Monday, June 25, 2012

Free Digital Cupcake Pick Topper Template

I've never made or used cupcake picks before, but after this project, I can see the sky will be the limit with these fun little toppers! I created these blank circles for the kids to fill out with any kind of picture they wanted. Since they are kind of small circles, you may want to stick to pens and markers. You can do a theme (draw all faces, animals, flowers, bugs) for kids or, if you have a more grown up party, write words that have meaning to the event or party recipient. This is the page I gave each of them to fill out.

I just printed out two and let them have at it! Emmy was happy to pose with her's. Ryan, well...not so much.

Then we cut out all of the circles and attached them with a piece of tape to a straw. You can then hold them up to a finished cupcake to determine how long you want to keep the straw and then trim it.
Here's what all of our finished cupcake picks looked like.

We finished all the cupcake picks and frosted the cupcakes. I got out all of my many many many jars of sprinkles and let the kids go crazy. They didn't turn out really fancy, but the kids loved explaining all of the pictures to their Dad when he saw them.

Enjoy your cupcake picks!!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Download a Free Digital Gift Card Holder Template

With Sean's birthday on the way, I wanted to make him a custom gift card holder because he will be getting....a gift card! Actually, as Florida residents, we get season passes to Sea World with one day's admission so we'll probably go there to celebrate his birthday. Because his birthday is so close to Father's Day, it's hard to come up with something good to get him so I'm going with the never fail gift card! I designed this custom holder just to make it a little more fun and personal. I'm also going to bake some cupcakes and grab some sprinkles and let the kids decorate them instead of a big cake.

This is how you assemble it:
See #1. - fold these tabs and put a small piece of double stick tape to close the sides
See #2. - fold this tab and put a small piece of double stick tape to close your card holder


After you download your plain gift card holder, you can personalize it by adding your own photo or type. You can leave the circle on the back blank or type in the gift card amount. 
Hope you enjoy!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Card

Sean is having a birthday this weekend and I was trying to come up with something nice to give him from the kids. I made up this form and asked the kids the questions and filled it out. It's funny to see how they answer each one. I was really curious to see what my four-year-old son, Ryan would say his Dad's job was since Ryan rarely comes to work. His answer was, "Daddy's job is clipping coupons". This was really funny because I don't know that Sean has ever clipped a coupon in his life, and I don't really spend any time clipping coupons. Maybe we need to bring him in more often!



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Things to do with the Kids This Summer

I've been thinking about what I'm going to do to keep the Peanuts busy this Summer. I made a huge list of things we can do when they start getting bored. It's kind of my master go to activity list.

We've got a lot of local things planned this Summer but I'm posting a more generic list that you can do no matter where you live. Kids are happy to do anything as long as it's labeled an activity! So grab a watermelon, turn on the sprinklers and get ready for some Summer Fun!!!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Wacky Hair and T-Shirt Day

As school is wrapping up for Emmy, she's having lots of fun activities at school. Hard to believe she'll be a First Grader next year. This week was wacky hair and wacky t-shirt day.

She goes to vision therapy in Orlando tonight so I didn't want to spray paint her hair or anything too crazy. I sectioned her hair into 8 pigtails, braided them and then looped them and rubber banded them. It created this looped look. She really liked it and I hope she doesn't want it in her normal rotation of hairdos!

Now on to the t-shirt. I just bought a plain white shirt and grabbed some bright fabric markers. I had her pick 3 little mini Beanie Babies I had from McDonald's. I bought a massive box of these at a yard sale for $5.00. They're running out from birthday goody bags, and I don't know what I'll do when they're gone! So I hot glued the animals on the shirt and made sure they wouldn't easily fall off. Then I used my fabric markers to write all kinds of animal jokes for kids.

Here's a few:

What happens when it rains cats and dogs? You step in poodles.

Why don't they take tests in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.

Where do cows go on Saturday night? To the moovies.

So here is the finished shirt. She liked it, especially the koala on the front with the caption,             "Help! I can't hang on!"
